16 Paintings For Marjorie (2000–2003) are acrylic on wood panels. They extend my process, which engaged me for fifteen years, of producing works composed of multiples of four. They are a response to the environment in and around Newark, New Jersey, which I now call home. While working on these paintings, pondering what was still a major change in my visual environment (country to urban), I found myself surrounded by a pool of memory of my mother Marjorie, who had died in 1999 at the age of 85. Titles for the paintings arose from these memories: the title At Mr. Fiore’s conjures afternoons of fittings at the tailor where Marjorie allowed flirtation while improving her own skills as a seamstress; Perky Omen was the name of the parakeet that flew free for a time in our New Jersey farmhouse. Giving titles to works that are not aides for a literal interpretation but that expand my expression beyond the confines of the object, is a practice that has been meaningful to me in much of my work. So these works are formal expressions of my experience of a new environment, but they are also a celebration of a life lived and of the creativity which Marjorie fostered in me.